Below you will find resources to for patients and caregivers regarding sarcoma. These include: places for treatment, advocacy groups, and research alliances. In addition to our resources, we hope these connect you to groups who can support and answer your questions.

Siteman Cancer Center

Siteman Cancer Center offers the expertise of more than 450 Washington University research scientists and physicians who provide care for nearly 10,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients each year. A full range of advanced diagnostic and treatment services are available for patients with all types of cancer. It is the only cancer center in Missouri to hold the prestigious Comprehensive Cancer Center designation and “Exceptional” rating from the National Cancer Institute and membership in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Scientists and physicians affiliated with Siteman hold more than $145 million annually in basic and clinical oncology research grants. The results of basic laboratory research are rapidly incorporated into treatment advances, which is enhanced by patient access to more than 500 therapeutic clinical trials, including many collaborative efforts with other leading cancer centers throughout the country.

Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration

SARC (Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and support of research for the prevention, treatment, and cure of sarcomas  –  a cancer of the bone and connective tissue of the body. SARC was founded by a small group of physicians specializing in sarcoma. Recognizing the value of pooling their intellectual and patient resources, a core group of medical and pediatric sarcoma experts at five major medical facilities formed SARC in 2003 to conduct innovative and rigorous sarcoma research to advance the care of their patients. Today, the leadership of SARC consists of respected sarcoma physicians across the country, working together to develop new strategies to improve the outcomes for sarcoma patients.

Sarcoma Coalition

The Sarcoma Coalition is a coalition of sarcoma advocacy groups from around the country working toward a common purpose: to provide resources and support for those dealing with sarcoma – from patients and their families to our allies in the research community.

Recognizing that by working together we can expand our reach and amplify our voice, we have come together to provide a strong, united presence in sarcoma advocacy.

Sarcoma Foundation of America

The mission of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) is to advocate for sarcoma patients by funding research and by increasing awareness about the disease. The organization raises money to privately fund grants for sarcoma researchers and conducts education and advocacy efforts on behalf of sarcoma patients.

Midwest Sarcoma Trials Partnership

We are proud to be a part of a collaborative group of sarcoma doctors from the region working to improve the care of patients with sarcoma.

Vision Statement: To be the premier Midwest collaboration of institutions for sarcomas

Founded in 2012:

  • 7 academic institutions in the Midwest with sarcoma expertise

  • To expand clinical trial opportunities for patients

Mayo Clinic Medical – College of Wisconsin – Northwestern University – University of Iowa -University of Minnesota – University of Wisconsin – Washington University in St. Louis

Leiomyosarcoma Support & Direct Research Foundation

Leiomyosarcoma Support & Direct Research Foundation (LMSDR) is a non-profit foundation that offers support to patients and raises research money for leiomyosarcoma.

The mission of the LMSDR is to:

  • Empower patients with information and support
  • Fund groundbreaking LMS research
  • Provide a bridge between patients and researchers, to collaborate on finding a cure