I am committed to helping to train the next generation of scientists. I strongly believe in instilling a passion for science at an early age and have mentored ten high school students through summer research programs. I have also mentored five undergraduates in the laboratory who have completed or are completing honors theses. I am currently mentoring two graduate students and have mentored three post-doctoral fellows. I have also been an active participant in the “Maximizing Research Mentoring Relationships Workshop” that was based on guidelines and resources from the National Research Mentoring Network and led by an NRMN-trained facilitator. I promise to provide guidance and insights based on my experience over the years to connect mentees to other faculty and collaborators so that mentees can utilize these insights to discover new avenues of study, enhance and and develop research interests. Further, I will serve as an advocate for my mentees connecting them to the greater scientific community, ensure that they finish their training in a timely manner, and are able to successfully transition into a scientific career. I will ensure that all mentees are trained in rigorous and unbiased experimental design, methodology, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results.
It is my duty to be accessible to mentees for advising, mentoring, and discussion. I meet with everyone individually, each week. However, my door is always open when I am not in clinic or in a meeting. I am easily accessible by email and will always make extra time if needed. Given my interest in basic science, translational research, and clinical trial design, my laboratory is an ideal environment to train future researchers.